Mochdre Village Hall
The trustees of the Mochdre Village Hall are responsible for the day-to-day running of this village hall which is central to the day-to-day life of the village. The old building which had been erected in the middle of the last century required substantial modernisation and refurbishment in order to meet the demands of modern life.
The trustees of the village hall had secured planning consent to refurbish part of the hall so that they could offer an extended range of facilities to the local people. When we secured the building contract we were aware of how important it was to deliver the construction contract on time and to be sensitive to the needs of the local population who use the village hall on a regular basis.
The building work provided for the creation of a new youth club area together with toilet facilities and a new office that could be used by the community police officer. The construction contract had particular challenges with installing a new central heating system for the specific area created by the refurbishment.
After securing the building contract we liasied closely with the trustees and supervising architects in ensuring that all the construction and refurbishment works proceeded smoothly. Our first task was to isolate the main hall from the area where the major building works would be undertaken. Subsequently the work included installing a lift, a small office and kitchen area.
Project period 4 months